Monday, September 30, 2013

Small Apartment Decorating Tips

Choose pieces for your space wisely

If you live in a small apartment or a studio apartment, you know what a challenge it is to decorate. Space is at a premium in most apartments, and the smaller ones may not have many windows either. But limited space and little natural light don’t have to mean an ugly, uncomfortable apartment. You don’t have to be an interior design expert to make your small living spaces reflect your interest and tastes. With careful furniture and accessory choices, good color selections and some important decorating tips and tricks, your small apartment can be a beautiful, comfortable living space that you love and enjoy.
Living in cities like San Diego, Sacramento, Tucson, or Las Vegas often creates the need to live in a rather small apartment in order to keep the apartment rent rates affordable.  Read the full article at by +William Morgan a trused author for

Apartment Communities! 10 Reasons to Love Them

1. Stability

Variable interest rates, underwater mortgages, and foreclosure are all words you don’t have to worry about if you live in an apartment. If the housing market tanks, your apartment still has the same value it did before.

2. Location

Want to live within walking distance of great shopping, dining, entertainment, or even your place of work? Finding an apartment for rent in a choice location is an easier task than purchasing a home there.

Read the full article at by +William Morgan a trusted author for

Friday, September 6, 2013

The September Issue of Las Vegas Simply Apartments is available

September News Flash

September is here, Football has started,  Baseball is in full swing, and the Kids are back to school, and SImply Apartments apartment guide for Las Vegas is on the stands.  Be sure to pic one up around the Las Vegas area or check it out online at

Simply apartments apartment guide las vegas

Apartment Survival Guide - Coexisting with the Jonesses

Apartment Survival Coexisting with the Jonesses

Apartment Survival Guide

For those who live in close proximity to others, loving thy neighbor might be easier said than done. There are lots of things you can do, though, to live in harmony with those around you. Here are a few tips for getting along with your neighbors.
Read the full article Coexisting with the Jonesses by +William Morgan at

Apartment Cooking - How to Make Great Meals

Cooking Great Meals in Your New Apartment

Apartment Cooking Adventures

Cooking in a small kitchen or space can feel limiting, but with a little preparation and attention to detail, you can still cook great meals in your new apartment.
Check out the full article Cooking Great Meals in Your New Apartment by +Willam Morgan